
皇冠体育(PGCC)致力于保护和维护您的个人信息隐私. In providing its website and services, PGCC必须收集和使用(或处理)有关访客和供应商的个人资料. 本数据隐私声明描述了用户访问PGCC网站时收集和处理个人信息的相关做法.

For purposes of clarity, “processing” as used in this notice includes the collection, use, storage, transmission, disclosure, and destruction of personal information. 本数据隐私声明适用于PGCC及其第三方服务提供商收集的所有信息, 包括但不限于发布本数据隐私声明链接的网站和应用程序.

通过继续使用和与PGCC网站互动,并提供您的个人信息, you are accepting the terms of this Data Privacy Notice. 

Information Collected

In general, PGCC通过其网站收集和处理两种类型的信息:(1)您自愿提供的信息,以接收请求的信息和/或服务, (2)在您浏览其网站时自动收集的信息.

Information You Provide

Prince George’s Community College collects information which you provide, such as when you: request information; use a device to interact with a website; create an account; log in; complete a web form; add or update your account information; or otherwise interact or communicate with PGCC (including via its websites or other electronic means). The College then processes the information you provide.

Processing Your Information


  • Improve its websites and services.
  • Comply with and meet legal obligations, enforce agreements, and protect the health, safety, rights, and/or property of PGCC and its community; and/or
  • Prevent, investigate, 并就非法或犯罪活动(包括欺诈或其他不当行为)采取行动。, security or technical concerns, or unauthorized access to or use of the College’s data and data systems, as well as users’ personal information,.
  • 皇冠体育将根据您提供的同意处理您的个人数据,用于指定的目的, or as necessary to: (i) advance PGCC’s legitimate interests, (ii)履行与您的合同(或为您的利益)或履行您的要求, (iii) comply with a legal obligation, and/or (iv) to protect the vital interest of you or another person.

Your Personal Accounts

虽然PGCC有适当的安全措施来保护您提供给它的个人数据, you are encouraged to take steps on your own to protect your information by, for example, logging out of online applications, closing all web browsers after use of a website, and keeping your account and passwords confidential. 您应该意识到您在皇冠体育app组中发布或披露的任何信息, forums, message boards, and similar contexts may become public. 在上述情况下披露任何个人资料或其他资料前,你应始终保持谨慎.

Retention of Information and Security

您提供给PGCC的个人资料将按照学院的记录保留时间表保存, applicable laws, or until such time the service requested is no longer available. Prince George’s Community College maintains administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, 或销毁您在访问或使用PGCC网站时提供的信息. 皇冠体育实行适当的安全措施,以促进保密, integrity, 以及学院拥有(或控制)的任何信息的可用性.

Children and Minors

If you are a U.S. 18岁以下的居民或16岁以下的欧盟(EU)居民, 请不要在本网站或通过其任何功能提供任何个人信息, unless authorized by parental consent. For more information, U.S. residents may consult the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, and EU residents may consult the General Data Protection Regulation. 

如果您认为PGCC收集了有关儿童或未成年人的个人信息, please contact us immediately, at the address included under the Contact section below, so the College can take appropriate action.


cookie是许多网站传输给用户网络浏览器的数据片段,以使网站能够提供个性化服务或提供持久的身份验证. cookie中包含的信息通常包括web服务器自动收集的信息和/或用户自愿提供的信息. 我们的网站与第三方技术合作伙伴一起使用持久cookie来分析搜索引擎使用情况和网络流量模式. 这些信息被用于监控和改进我们的网页. It is not used to track the usage patterns of individual users. Additionally, our website, analytics software, 选定的第三方广告合作伙伴使用cookie来衡量我们的广告和网站内容的表现, functionality, or services.


皇冠体育致力于确保您的信息安全. We have put in place reasonable physical, technical, 以及旨在防止未经授权访问或使用在线收集的信息的行政保障措施.

Links to Other Websites

皇冠体育的网站可能包含与学院无关的其他网站的链接. 学院不负责这些其他网站的隐私做法. 我们鼓励您阅读其他网站的隐私声明,以确保他们的做法保护您的隐私.

Legal Notice

Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, nothing contained herein constitutes nor is intended to constitute an offer, inducement, promise, or contract of any kind. 此处包含的数据仅供参考,并不代表没有错误. Any links to non-PGCC information are provided as a courtesy. 它们不打算也不构成PGCC对链接材料的认可.

Changes to This Data Privacy Notice

皇冠体育保留随时修改本资料私隐声明的权利, for any reason, without notice to you. Any changes will be published here, and you should check our website to access our current Data Privacy Notice. This Data Privacy Notice was last updated in July 2021.

Legal Disclaimer

尽管我们采取行业标准措施和其他努力来保护用户隐私, PGCC可能需要在法律要求时披露个人信息(包括个人身份信息),其中我们真诚地相信此类行动是遵守当前司法程序所必需的, a court order or legal process, 及/或与刑事调查或涉嫌非法活动有关的经核实的请求有关.


For questions, concerns, requests, 或投诉本资料私隐声明及PGCC对个人资料的处理, email